For another post…

Another programme this evening focussed on the odd circularity of science publishing, impact factors, RAE, open access, copyright, subscription, and and.

This is about creating scarcity in the name of security, in this case as profit, which along with rent-seeking would seem to provide security for institutions, great hiatuses in the flow of meaning and value, not enoughness.

Levison 2 was to have been about the specifics of relations and relationships between politicians, press, police and their publics.  It seems to have been dropped precisely to avoid this scrutiny.

The current biodiversity report, and climate change issues to which integrally related, and responses to these stories, all reflect the fear of scarcity, and the desire to control abundance, which fuels maximum yield agriculture, while supermarkets promote cheap ‘value’ food, thus devaluing the very stuff of life, and its production  What does it mean that we devalue and depreciate the essentail elements of life?.

Happening to be human here, how to live a good life?  How to eat and work, and play, and think and feel and write, and see life the universe and everything as amazing and astonishing, as also is the human capacity to see and be amazed and astonished?

How can we live life’s abundance and enjoy a bun dance?

About leaflittering

person thinking about life as a series of encounters between expectations and experiences, and applying ideas to ecology, ethics, epistemology, and education in various environments
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